Food Allergen Awareness and Allergy Training Online for Safer Service
- Minimum-requirement and high-quality allergen training for food handlers
- Familiarise yourself and your workers with the dangers of food allergens
- Prevent dangerous cross-contamination
- Learn how to identify common allergens
- Be legally compliant with the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation requirements
- Create a safe environment for your food handling or food production business
- Build a trusted name for your business in the industry
- Equip frontline workers to communicate effectively with customers about potential allergens in food
Available In languages
1 User
/ Each
- All major credit cards accepted
- Full money-back guarantee.
- Terms and Conditions apply
2-50 users
/ Each
- All major credit cards accepted
- Full money-back guarantee.
- Terms and Conditions apply
51-199 users
/ Each
- All major credit cards accepted
- Full money-back guarantee.
- Terms and Conditions apply
200+ users
/ Each
- All major credit cards accepted
- Full money-back guarantee.
- Terms and Conditions apply
Safety Bug Training Food Allergy Awareness Course Details
- This allergen awareness course takes 1-2 hours to complete
- There are a total of five modules in the course and 30 multiple choice questions
- The course can be retaken multiple times at no added cost until the user passes
- Safety Bug’s allergen training for food handlers is compliant with the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulations
- This food allergy awareness programme is the perfect complement to other online Food Safety Level 2 training courses

Who Should Take the Food Allergy Awareness Course?
- Food handlers
- Those who manage or oversee workers who handle food
- Anyone who works in food production, processing or packaging
- Food retail workers, such as those who work in a restaurant or hotel
- Anyone in the catering industry
- Those who prepare, package or serve food in care facilities or hospitals
- Anyone in a job that involves contact with food
Topics Covered in the Food Allergy Awareness Course
- What a food allergy is, the main types of food allergies and what causes an allergic reaction
- How to identify the symptoms of an allergic reaction
- What a food intolerance is
- What Coeliac disease is and how to identify its symptoms and the foods associated with the intolerance
- How to identify and manage potential allergens in your work environment or business
- How to communicate allergen risks to your team and customers
- How to clean food preparation equipment and surfaces thoroughly to remove traces of allergens
- How to safely prepare allergen-free food for people with food allergies
- How to practice good personal hygiene
- What kind of allergen information to include on menus and ingredient lists
- How to respond if a customer has an allergic reaction to food

Course Learning Process
How we work for our valued customers.

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